What does an SEO audit include?

SEO Audit

Seo audit

An SEO audit is a detailed process to identify opportunities for improvement for a website’s Search Engine Optimization (SEO). It includes evaluating keywords, content, architecture, server-side data, and other factors.

This audit helps you find impediments and issues that prevent your website from gaining more visibility in organic search results.

Performing an SEO audit also allows you to stay up-to-date with current trends in the world of SEO and determine what changes need to be made to improve your website’s ranking.

Our SEO Audit Service

seo audit services

We offer a comprehensive SEO audit service to our clients. Our team consists of seo consultant in the field, and we’re confident that we can improve your website’s ranking in search results.

We will analyze your website and provide you with a detailed report on which aspects can be improved to achieve better performance. We’ll also give you recommendations on how to implement the necessary improvements. If you’re interested in our service, don’t hesitate to contact us.

What's included in an SEO audit?

seo audit incluides

During an audit, key factors such as site structure, content optimization, social media popularity, site loading speed, user experience, and other important factors that influence your site’s ranking on search engines are evaluated.

At the end of the process, you will be provided with a detailed report that includes specific recommendations on how to improve your optimization for search engines and increase your online visibility.

This is how you can attract more potential customers to your website and maximize your online presence!

Audit, Global Onpage SEO Factors on the Website

audit seo factors
  • SEO audit document of global technical factors on the website.
  • Analysis of loading times and proposal for improvements.
  • Analysis of indexing problems in search engines.
  • Identification of errors, alerts, and prioritized technical SEO improvements.
  • Usability and user experience analysis and proposal for improvements.
  • Proposal and matrix of interlinking according to the most important keywords.
  • Checklist of improvements for optimizing loading and usability on mobile devices.
  • Checklist of optimization improvements for Alt and title tags on site images.

Audit, SEO Architecture and Search Intent

Audit, SEO Architecture and Search Intent
  • Analysis of behavior and consumption of site buyer persona content in relation to SEO.
  • Comparative and global analysis of response to current buyer persona search intent.
  • Document proposal for content and category architecture according to user search intent.
  • Keyword research document for proposed SEO strategy.
    • Analysis of sector keywords.
    • Proposal for better SEO titles and descriptions.
    • Proposal of keywords for content strategy.
  • Analysis of correspondence of intent and keywords on the website with respect to current search intent.
  • Analysis of response and domain and pagerank strength according to the brand.

SEO On-Page Audit for each section of the website

SEO On-Page Audit for each section of the website
  • Current search performance (measured with the primary keyword and 2 synonymous keywords).
  • Analysis of each blog article on the website in relation to a current search intent objective (measured with the primary keyword and 2 synonymous keywords).
  • Report for a group of 15 website sections/blogs with improvement proposals for each On-Page SEO indicator and technical and performance factors.
    • Overall On-Page and technical SEO rating for the section or blog.
    • Status and recommendations on titles (Keyword, Length, Duplication).
    • Status and recommendations of metadata (Keyword, Length, Duplication).
    • Status and recommendations on site body. 
      • Keywords and number of words according to competition.
      • Keywords in h1, h2, h3.
      • Italics and bold.
      • Anchor texts.
    • Status and recommendation on images (Alt Text, Empty Alt and Keywords)
    • Open Graph Markup.
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